Anthony Nazarov, PhD

Postdoctoral Associate, University of Western Ontario, The MacDonald Franklin OSI Research Centre, Lawson Health Research Institute

Anthony Nazarov, PhD

Dr. Anthony Nazarov is a clinical neuroscientist with a research focus on moral injury, PTSD, and social cognition. He is currently an Allied Scientist at the Lawson Health Research Institute and the MacDonald Franklin Operational Stress Injury (OSI) Research Centre. Dr. Nazarov has extensive expertise in conducting military and veteran mental health research. Prior to joining the Lawson Health Research Institute, Dr. Nazarov was a Defence Scientist at Defence Research and Development Canada (the R&D arm of the Department of National Defence) investigating psychological resilience and mental health in Canadian Armed Forces personnel. His interests include the use of experimental and survey methodologies to explore the interplay between psychological trauma, moral transgressions, and well-being. Dr. Nazarov’s current research is focused on understanding how we can better identify, prevent, and treat moral injury and related operational stress injuries.